Local Authorities Surrey County Council
Table of Content Can I have a deferred payment on a second property? Taxi Fees Continuing healthcare Our support to providers of residential and domiciliary care services Lightwater, Surrey Farleigh Common, Warlingham, Surrey Information and services If you decide not to sell your property during your lifetime, the debt must be repaid to the council from your estate after your death. Always seek independent financial advice before moving into a care home. All care homes should require prospective self-funding residents to certify that they can pay their fees for a minimum period or agree to a financial assessment as a condition of moving in. Surrey Council County does not act as a guarantor and will not pay for any care home debts. Under the existing rules, the council must charge people for receiving residential or nursing care. Most people have to pay towards the cost of care and support in a care home. There are actions the council can take if we think you have deliberately ...